Avoid Mistakes

Common IELTS Mistakes to Avoid In 2024

Preparing for the IELTS can be a challenging task, especially if you aim for a high band score. The Writing and Speaking sections often prove to be the most complicated parts for test-takers. However, being aware of common mistakes can make a significant difference in your performance. Below are some typical pitfalls to avoid, which will help you increase your score in these sections.

Avoid Mistakes

Common Mistakes in the IELTS Writing Section

1. Not Addressing All Parts of the Task

  • One of the most common mistakes is not fully answering the question or addressing all parts of the task. For example, in Task 1, you might describe data but fail to contrast the figures, which is crucial. In Task 2, ensure you respond to all parts of the question, such as discussing both views in a “Discuss both views and give your opinion” essay.

2. Mismanagement of Time

  • Time management is crucial in the Writing section. Many test-takers spend too much time on Task 1 and then rush through Task 2, which carries more weight. Allocate approximately 20 minutes for Task 1 and 40 minutes for Task 2 to ensure you have enough time to plan, write, and review your answers.

3. Overcomplicating Sentences

  • In an attempt to impress the examiner, some candidates use overly complex sentences, leading to grammatical errors. It’s better to write clearly and accurately rather than using complex structures that you are not confident with. Simple, well-structured sentences are more effective and easier to read.

4. Lack of Cohesion and Coherence

  • Disorganized essays that lack logical flow can significantly reduce your score. Make sure your ideas are connected and flow smoothly from one to the next. Use linking words (e.g., however, therefore, on the other hand) appropriately to guide the reader through your essay.

5. Not Reviewing Your Work

  • Skipping the review step is a common mistake. Always reserve a few minutes at the end of each writing task to check for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and overall coherence. This can help you catch errors that may lower your score.
Avoid Mistakes

Common Mistakes in the IELTS Speaking Section

1. Giving Short Answers

  • Providing very brief responses in the Speaking section is a big mistake. The examiner expects you to develop your answers with details and examples. Avoid responding with just “yes” or “no.” Instead, elaborate on your answers to demonstrate your fluency and ability to communicate in English.

2. Memorized Answers

  • Some candidates prepare memorized answers for common topics. Examiners are trained to spot this, and it can negatively impact your score. Instead of memorizing, practice speaking about a variety of topics to improve your ability to think and respond spontaneously.

3. Lack of Pronunciation Clarity

  • Pronunciation is a key component of your speaking score. Speaking too fast or mumbling can make your words unclear. Practice speaking slowly and clearly, ensuring each word is understandable. Additionally, work on the correct pronunciation of words, as mispronunciations can confuse the listener.

4. Overuse of Fillers

  • Using fillers like “um,” “ah,” and “you know” can make you appear less confident and reduce your fluency score. While it’s natural to use some fillers, try to minimize them by practicing speaking slowly and thinking before you respond.

5. Ignoring the Question

  • Sometimes, test-takers may go off-topic or answer a different question than what was asked. Make sure you listen carefully to the question and respond directly. If you’re unsure, it’s okay to ask the examiner to repeat the question.
Avoid Mistakes


These are the common mistakes that many candidates make in the IELTS Writing and Speaking sections. By avoiding these errors—addressing all aspects of the task, managing your time effectively, and communicating clearly and accurately—you will be better equipped to succeed in the exam.

At Mercy Education, we are committed to helping you succeed in your IELTS preparation. With our expert guidance and resources, you can avoid these common pitfalls and achieve your desired score. Remember, practice makes perfect, and with the right strategy in place, the IELTS becomes easier to handle. Good luck!

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